Monday 23 January 2012

Erin Heatherton and actor Leonardo DiCaprio Are Dating - and the hottest links of the day

Right, shall we see what Monday has to offer? Well, we've got Alicia Keys, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lady Gaga and Tracy Morgan all up to mischief in London, Paris and Australia to name a few. First, naturally, it's Leonardo -
Leonardo DiCaprio has been filming in Australia, and since he's been there for the past few months, he's already been linked to a few different hoes

Alicia Keys
Alicia Keys: also known as Lellow


Second up it's Alicia Keys -
He may be too young to sing and produce music like mom and dad, but Alicia Keys says son Egypt Daoud, 8 months, definitely has their adult sense of humor

Lady Gaga has also got into the press -
Following a rendition of 'The Edge of Glory,' which Howard Stern called 'one of the best performances' he?s ever had on his show, Lady Gaga Tweeted: 'Just left the @HowardStern show, rockers with long hair have a sweet spot for girls like me

Also worth mentioning:

"Last week, comedian and '30 Rock' star Tracy Morgan got into trouble for a stand-up routine that contained a homophobic rant" - []
"She previously promised fans that Ryan Reynolds was not her "lovah" - but that doesn't mean Sandra Bullock is not a great friend" - []

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